Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lifeline Hospital Abu Dhabi - Pioneering Mobile Mammography In The Middle East

Mammography is an effective diagnostic and screening tool used primarily for the early detection of breast cancer. It is believed to considerably reduce the mortality rate due to breast cancer to upto 20%. Routine mammography is promoted as a screening mechanism in the diagnosis of breast cancer in a lot of countries. Presently, it is widely accepted that mammography combined with physical breast examination is the way to detect breast cancer at an early stage.

Over a period of time, breast self-examination was the suggested means to finding cancer at a relatively early stage at which it could be cured; but it has been seen to be less than effective and hence no longer is it recommended by the health authorities. Better awareness of breast health as well as knowing one's body are suggested rather than conducting self exams.

Mammography is reported to have a false negative rate of 10 percent, which is the percentage of missed cancer cases after having gone through the procedure. This can be attributed to the dense tissues which makes the cancer unclear and also due to the fact that the manaifestation of cancer on mammograms can have a significant  overlap with that of the normal tissues.

As part of the procedure, the breast is compressed using the mammography apparatus. This evens out the breast tissue thickness which will enhance the quality of the image as well as decrease the quantum of scattered radiation. Also in mammography screening, different angled views are taken as well as geometrically magnified and spot-compressed views of the specific region of apprehension. Since there are chances that deodorants and talcum powder may be indicated as calcium spots in the X-ray, the candidates are warned against using those while undergoing the procedure.

With the intention of promoting mammograms as a means of measuring breast cancer, hospitals and healthcare groups worldwide have initiated mobile mammography vans to bring cheap and accessible mammograms within their localities. Lifeline hospital Abu Dhabi unveiled the first mobile mammography unit in the private sector back in October 2010. The unit offered free mammograms to the residents in UAE and other Gulf countries with community outreach programs for preventive medicine and early diagnosis of cancerous diseases. Starting with capital Abu Dhabi, the hospital plans to conduct such campaigns in the different parts of the Emirate in the near future.

Visit Lifeline hospital Abu Dhabi or watch this video on Lifeline hospital's mobile mammo campaign

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lifeline Hospital Abu Dhabi - Lifeline of Abu Dhabi

The inception of Lifeline Hospital Abu Dhabi can be attributed to a strong desire to provide world class, comprehensive and specialized medical and healthcare services that is affordable to the diverse population of UAE in general and Abu Dhabi in particular. The think tank behind Lifeline hospital identified that quality healthcare services and cost-effectiveness do not always go hand in hand especially in the region and hence that took up the initiative of combine the two to answer the growing demand in this sector. The hospital’s vision which is to become the most admired and trusted healthcare service provider by offering cost-effective yet specialized and superior healthcare services to each patient complemented by personalized attention and care; and improving quality of life for the community in which we live, and serve the society at large.
That Lifeline Hospital has grown to become the hospital of choice, especially in Abu Dhabi cutting across nationality, class, gender and language barriers speak a lot about the sincerity and dedication of the trusted staff, medical and otherwise, in providing personal attention to the needs of their patients. Taking care of the patients’ wants and treating them with compassion, respect and dignity has been of utmost importance to the hospital. All facilities and services at Lifeline Hospital have been designed around the growing patient needs and demands which is consistent with the hospital's vision.
Lifeline hospital also understands that in order to keep up the promise of superior service, it needs to constantly be open to the latest and evolving developments in medicine and healthcare service industry as well as adopt quality management best practices to enable them to be consistent in the service delivery standards. Equally important is to acquire and maintain state-of-the-art treatment and diagnostic equipments, attract and retain the best medical experts so that the standards and best practices that are continually adopted can be implemented and sustained going forward. Hence Lifeline hospital is equipped with cutting edge technology and devices and also employs some of the best physicians and practitioners in the diverse medical disciplines. 
Lifeline hospital dedicates itself to the cause of a healthy and prosperous Abu Dhabi and UAE in the years to come. Visit Lifeline Hospital Abu Dhabi for more.